Monday, August 20, 2007

What’s New ?

Kruti team Congratulates Alex and Shammem, they got married on Aug14th. They have been the source of strength and support for the Kruti activities. Once again congratulation and wish all the best for their life.

Some updates on what’s happening …
Movie projects is still inspiring, the team is still brainstorming on various ideas and scripts, Lets keep working on this and make the Best Movie.
Action required: Good plot/Script

Chess Workshop
We have started chess workshop in the Gurappanpalya and the plan is to have a tournament sometime in October.

Every Sunday 4:00pm to 6:00 pm … Come and have fun.

Action require:
1. Need Chess boards: request your friends in the office to lend the boards if they have for 8-10 weeks , once the workshop is over we will returns them.
2. Plan for the tournament:
Share your ideas on whom we should involve (like participants ) , One ideas is the Gurappanpalya Kids and Kids of the employees or we can have some school kids participating etc.
3. Budgets/Sponsors and logistics

Lets’s be in ACTION

Thanks and have great day

What’s New ?

Kruti team Congratulates Alex and Shammem, they got married on Aug14th. They have been the source of strength and support for the Kruti activities. Once again congratulation and wish all the best for their life.

Some updates on what’s happening …
Movie projects is still inspiring, the team is still brainstorming on various ideas and scripts, Lets keep working on this and make the Best Movie.
Action required: Good plot/Script

Chess Workshop
We have started chess workshop in the Gurappanpalya and the plan is to have a tournament sometime in October.

Every Sunday 4:00pm to 6:00 pm … Come and have fun.

Action require:
1. Need Chess boards: request your friends in the office to lend the boards if they have for 8-10 weeks , once the workshop is over we will returns them.
2. Plan for the tournament:
Share your ideas on whom we should involve (like participants ) , One ideas is the Gurappanpalya Kids and Kids of the employees or we can have some school kids participating etc.
3. Budgets/Sponsors and logistics

Lets’s be in ACTION

Thanks and have great day
